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Cup Holder

A loose woman, and or man, or a hooker, prostitute, one open to anything, no boundaries.

I wouldn't put my junk in that cup holder who know's what kinda spills that thing has seen.

by MIBE January 8, 2015

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Cup Holder

The cleavage of a very large-breasted female. In rare cases used to describe an exceptionally obese male.

1. Did you see the cup holder on that chick?
2. He's so fat, he's got a fucking cup holder.

by Col. Dr. April 24, 2006

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Cup Holder

A handjob where the one giving the handjob simply holds their hand out and the one receiving it does all the work. The hand is held in a loose circle and is stationary, much like a cupholder.

1. I couldn't even get a handy- all she gave me was a cup holder.

by LanseDM August 28, 2012

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Cup holder

When a female booty so big it can hold a cup

Damn Brittany got a cup holder booty

by Cloudgibbs June 18, 2018

cup holder

The word Cup Holded refers to a bitch holding you beer, to the cup holder in a car or bike.

Bitch Give me that beer. Hey bro pass the cup in the holder

by Mr. Smith January 10, 2004

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magic cup holder

Using a magic cup holder is to throw garbage out of your car window.

Child - "Isn't there anywhere to put trash in your car?"
Grandpa - "Yup give it here. I'll put it in my magic cup holder"
*grandpa throws trash out the window*
Child - "Where did it go??"
Grandpa - "Magic!"

by 403forbidden January 24, 2015

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Cup-Holder Cuisine

A meal designed for traveling. Especially by car in that the packaging fits in the cup holder.

Creamy tomato soup is my favorite Cup-Holder Cuisine. I love Campbell's soup on the go!

by ~Michelangelo February 14, 2013