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Curly headed fuck

Term used to characterize a man or woman that has curly hair and is disliked.

Brennan: "Yeah well your just a big fat curly headed fuck!"
Dale: "Oh yeah"
Brennan: "Yeah"
Dale: "Im a curly headed fuck?"

by Todd Schultz August 15, 2009

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Curly Headed Fuck

Mason Townsend

What the hell is this Mason?! You curly headed fuck!

by ToyotaDreamTeam December 20, 2019

Curly Headed Fuck

Defined as a fat venomous semi-bi polar bitch with tight curly hair often known by the name of Stacey

Example #1.........My recent superviser forced me to quit because she was a curly headed fuck!

by none of your bizak January 19, 2011

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curly-headed fuck

That one guy who sits in the front of your class, blowing the teacher each and every day. He thinks he knows everything there is to know about the course subject, too. He asks questions that he knows the answers to just so he can appear to have figured it out all on his own as the professor begins explaining. Even worse, he uses the most pedantic of diction to ask the question, complicating the query for no reason other than to appear more intelligent than he truly is. Basically, this guy sucks. Oh, and he has really curly hair.

I don't want to go to Calculus today. That curly-headed fuck never shuts up and I can barely stand it.

by That guy who sits in the back. March 11, 2011

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curly headed fuck

a girl/boy with a fro of curly fucking hair.....who are sometimes loved.....

alison is the biggest curly headed fuck ever....

by defgh123 February 18, 2010

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curly headed fuck

joshua day!

josh day, you are a curly headed fuck.

by fuck nut 2000 October 26, 2011

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Curly Headed Fuck (CHF)

Often an insult towards someone with curly hair or a nickname to someone you dont like.

"did you see that dirty CHF back there?" "man that Cam Matherson is a Curly Headed Fuck (CHF)"

by Mot696969 October 31, 2011

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