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Custard Pie

The act of urinating and ejaculating in unison

Dude I did the craziest custard pie last night, cum and piss flew everywhere

by Mr.Stonk & Big Tuna July 15, 2021

30👍 12👎

Custard Pie

A cream pie for those over the ages of 65

1. My Grandpappy was on the porch sitting in his rocking chair, finishing his 9th Pabst of the mornin', and let it slip that he gave Nana a Custard Pie last night!

by Richard "Dick" Goesinya July 16, 2021

16👍 26👎

custard pie

V. To Custard Pie

From the age old tradition of a clown throwing a custard pie at another clown or member of the audience, this phrase has come to mean when someone humiliates someone on a personal level either by accident, or on purpose.

To custard pie someone is to not notice, be it on purpose or accidentally, that a person has spoken to you, waved at you, blown a kiss at you etc.

If a person waves at someone across the street, and the other person carries on walking, for whatever reason, the wavee is said to have 'custard pied' the waver.

This phenomenon is usually followed closley by a snide remark of the person who has just been custard pied, or an aquiantance saying something such as "You need some help cleaning that pie off your face?"

Man in Street 1: "Hey buddy! Good to see you? How you been? High Five!"
Man in Street 2 walks on
Man in Street 1's Girlfriend to Man in Street 1: "Haha! You just got custard pied!"
Man in Street 1: "Give me a hand with this all this pie?"

by Howester January 27, 2008

88👍 68👎

custard pie

When a man busts a nut in or on a girls vagina and then eats her out and spits it in her mouth.

Burnt custard pie: Custard pie with the asshole instead of the vagina.

custard pie with sprinkles: Pubic hairs in custard pie


Ladies, custard pie?

by Kyle Derosiers July 27, 2006

28👍 99👎

Custard's pie

The last girl you slept with prior to becoming married.

I dated Jennifer right before I met my wife, she was my custard's pie.

by MTM/le March 5, 2012

2👍 11👎

Strawberry Custard Pie

While having sex and right before cumming, you punch the girl's nose making her bleed, cum on the blood, and stir them together with your dick

I gave her a Strawberry Custard Pie

by K February 16, 2015

10👍 17👎