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dating sites

Bunch of cat fishing cucks

Dude1-I got cat fished on so many fucking dating sites.

by ER-SH November 20, 2017

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Dating site

a website that is used for dating online, these sits house. People online who tend look for a lover (or just sex). an example of dating sits would be "Tinder" "E harmony" and "ashley madison"

Bob. I just got on this dating site
Phil. Bruh thats all fake

by Jackie choon October 1, 2018

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Seniors Dating Site

Dating sites for old thumpers to find their mates.

Hey I should cheat on ur wife w/ a seniors dating site!

by SoberMan October 22, 2020

Wife dating site

A site on the internet where you can date a married woman.

A great place to go if you want MILF and have penetratette fever.

That new wife dating site is hot.

by Deep blue 2012 December 28, 2010

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Porn actress dating site

Any of several dating sites where you can get to know and date a porn actress. They are very popular sites and they often help women to get into the porn business if they will be on there site.

I met my girlfriend on a porn actress dating site.

by The Fury 13 September 27, 2010

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single dating site for girls.com

ur momsingle dating site for girls.comsingle dating site for girls.comsingle dating site for girls.comsingle dating site for girls.com

single dating site for girls.com is for ur mom


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