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daylight wasting time

a more appropriate term for daylight saving time since a lot of time is wasting on the silly ritual of resetting clocks a couple times a year

I hate daylight wasting time, it's such a hassle resetting all my clocks, at least the time on my cell phone resets itself automatically.

by Michael_Hunt March 7, 2009

2388👍 187👎

daylight wasting time

Irie Caribbean living

Down inna da islands we no haf to play wit we clocks, we on permanent daylight wasting time... Seen

by Lovetoamuse April 26, 2008

30👍 27👎

daylight wastings time

Often referred to as "standard time," daylight wastings time requires that people set their clocks back an hour in autumn so that the sun will set earlier in mid-afternoon. Then, in the spring, when people return their clocks to true time (a.k.a. daylight savings time), people are forced to get up an hour earlier and lose an hour of precious weekend/sleep time.

Morning Person: I'm so glad we're returning to STANDARD time. I can't STAND getting up when it's dark outside.

Night person: Oh, you mean daylight wastings time? Doesn't it bother you that the sun now sets at 4:30 and the days are still getting shorter.

Morning person: No, I go to bed long before then, so I don't know when the sun sets.

Morning person: I'm so glad we're returning to daylight savings time. I was starting to feel like the day was half over by the time work starts at 8:00 AM.

Night person: I'm glad to be off of daylight wastings time, but now I have to get up an hour earlier. Why can't we just leave our clocks set to true time (a.k.a. daylight savings time) without playing practical jokes on my circadian rhythm?

by gentimental March 13, 2011

11👍 11👎