Source Code

dead gay

A descriptive term to impress how great a newly purchased item is. Originally coined by Richard Emerson

<Em> I love my Dead Gay UrbanDictionary.

by Priscilla February 4, 2003

12👍 11👎

My Dead Gay Son

Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney from Heathers the Musical.

Bill: "You wait just a minute, Paul! It's ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in! They were not dirty! They were not wrong! They were two lonely verses in the Lord's great song!"
Paul: "Our boys were pansies, Bill!"
Bill: "Yes! My boy's a homosexual, and that don't scare me none. I want the world to know... I love My Dead Gay Son!"

by THEUNNAMEDEGG February 4, 2022