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Dead Zoned

When you express your feelings for another person and they not only reject those feelings, they completely ignore you and any contact you make.

"Yo I tried to talk to Derrick after I told him how I felt but he dead zoned me. I haven't heard from him in a month."
"Bruh, Kesha told me the other day that she's pregnant, Ima have to dead zone her man she trippin."

by C.Baritone January 7, 2019

dead zone

Any geographical area that lacks cell phone service, or has very poor reception.

"I should not have signed up for Voice Stream because their service sucks shit in the East Coast. They have so many dead zones in their so called "Coverage Area"."

by Negger September 9, 2003

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dead zone

An un-used area of the brain unreachable by the conscious mind. Stephen King wrote the novel "Dead Zone" in which the lead character John Smith falls into a coma following a car accident. When awakeningen five years later, he finds the accident has activated his dead zone and he is now able to see glimpses of the future. The "dead zone" (with or without supernatural function) is probably King's fictional invention.
The book has been filmed and made into a tv series.

by Cactus September 6, 2003

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Dead Zone

The area in a quesadilla between the edge of the tortilla and the location of the cheese on the inside. Large dead zones are found when someone who is inexperienced prepares a quesadilla and only puts cheese in the middle of the tortilla, incorrectly assuming that the cheese will disperse while melting.

"How was your quesadilla?"
"Not very good, dead zone was huge and it felt like i was eating tree bark."

by MrAnderson7 August 5, 2009

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The Dead Zone

Used by players of the MMORPG World of Warcraft.
It refers to the space where a hunter cannot reach his/her enemy because it is too far away for melee weapons and too close for ranged weapons.

Hunter player: I got killed! Those druids keep standing in my dead zone!

Druid player: Lol, dude! I totally pwned that huntard from the dead zone!

by Minuo June 8, 2007

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dead zone

in surfing: the area between two swells where the waves arent breaking.

"hmmm, the waves are breaking further out and closer in, i must be in the dead zone."

by kevin September 10, 2003

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Walking Dead Zone

A Walking Dead Zone is an area for people with mobile phones who are currently experiencing the inconvenience of not being able to transmit to a nearby mobile site, base station, or any other similar Wi-Fi points of access. In these areas, the mobile phone is said to be in a state of outage. Walking Dead Zones is usually where Wi-Fi service is not available because the signal between the handset and mobile site antennas is blocked or severely reduced, usually by hilly terrain, spooky graveyards, dense foliage, physical distance, or interference from the Talking Dead. This will cause most mobile phone users who have no means of transportation to keep β€œwalking β€œ until they are finally within range of a verifiable signal. Some of these Talking Dead who are traversing the Walking Dead Zones, have been known to utter out incoherent ramblings, such as, β€œOut of range!” β€œOut of range!”

Kelly: β€œWhere’d Derek go, Brandon?”
Brandon: β€œHim and a few of his friends are in a Walking Dead Zone, somewhere between here and the abandoned church.

Kelly: β€œWell, he better hurry up and get back here in time for The Walking Dead β€˜else I’m gonna start watching The Jerry Springer Show, I’m a telling you what!”

by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 29, 2018

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