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designer drug

"A drug with properties and effects similar to a known hallucinogen or narcotic but having a slightly altered chemical structure, especially such a drug created in order to evade restrictions against illegal substances."
A synthetic chemical (Often produced by a high-tech lab) the purpose of which is to produce a reliable state of intoxication (As opposed to plant-based inebrients, whos effects may vary greatly from one individual to another)

Ecstacy (MDMA), BZ (A "superhallucinogen" concocted by the CIA), CC3P, Methamphetamine, MPPP.

by je'kir August 9, 2005

85👍 30👎

Designer Drugs

Pills such as ecstasy

I got some amazing Red Gucci designer drugs last night.

(Red Guccis=type of E)

by Slow_Motion December 29, 2009

28👍 39👎