Source Code


Devving is the shorter term for developing.

Zyger was almost done devving his plugin

by Johnny Myers Anderson March 28, 2016


Indian name meaning God.

"shit! that guy is so hot, he's such a Dev"

by bootybae October 4, 2015

326πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


A wellspoken person who tends to be mean at some points if you annoy him/her, people named Dev are usually fairly attractive, they always are looking for someone to help, they tend to be good and faithful people.

Dev is goat

by Lorddev March 16, 2017

765πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž


Dev’s an introvert, he likes Juice WRLD music, and has always been a shy guy, but he knows his stuff

He’s such a Dev!

Be like dev, know your shit!

by dwrld February 16, 2021

51πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Dev-eloper Programmer

Im a friggin dev you smut.

by Anon July 1, 2003

504πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


God's mind. A place where humans only appear to have free will but in fact do not. A place where every human action is predetermined as if we are on "tram tracks".

From the FX miniseries Devs written by Alex Garland, "Devs" is an alternate spelling of "Deus" using the Latin "v" as "u", meaning God.

I'm telling you man, this place is Devs! Free will is only an illusion.

At first I thought everything was a coincidence or a result of random probability, but now I'm starting to think we're living in Devs.

by The Gideon Lion August 10, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


(1) Software developers, mostly referenced to on MMORPG gaming boards.
(2) A word usually preceded by an expletive or cursing.


(1) "The devs put out a new publish and now I can't walk forwards anymore"
(2) "&$#@!% YOU DEVS!!!"

by SinMaster June 3, 2005

101πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž