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Dichotomous: A word that you don't know the meaning of, but you use because it is long and sounds educated. Common responses are either calling your bitch ass out, or responding as indicated in the example.

Dichotomous. Yeah I can do that too: paraphernalia. Doesn't make you sound any smarter, ass hole.

by Irony inspired motherfucker November 21, 2005

11👍 31👎

dichotomic feelings

the state of division into two mutually exclusive,opposed or contradictory feelings

Maria once said "i have dichotomic feelings about Istanbul,am in love with the city but i can't live in it"

by tulpa March 5, 2016

dichotomic feelings

Feelings that are divided into two ways, sometimes contradictory

Maria has dichotomic feelings, as she discovered recently!

by tulpa February 17, 2016

Dichotomous Key

An important tool used in taxonomy, to classify living organisms.

"The dichotomous key can classify many things"

by thatkpopstanfromlongisland June 18, 2021