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Dip It Low

A slutty dance move used to sexually arouse your significant other until you eventually "Pop that thing"

Sang by Christina Milian

Dip it low, pick it up slow, roll it all around poke it out like your back broke. Pop pop pop that thing...

by Me December 12, 2004

95👍 24👎

Dip It Low

When a person a future meaning to dance well in order to get a persons attention or show off yo' skillz
Creator of word:Christina Milian
Song:Dip It Low

Why don't you Dip it low out there gurL???

Dahm she can dip it low!!

by Nortie November 21, 2004

16👍 42👎

Dip low

Go down

"Guy" when you gonna let a real one dip low on ya girl?

by rowan moran 111 September 19, 2016