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Dirty ginger

The act of sucking a curved dick with spices on it

Last night my girl dirty gingered me

by Digner April 24, 2020

6👍 2👎

dirty ginger

When a girl with heavy flow dabs her finger in her jello and wipes her finger across ones upper lip. Similar to a dirty sanchez.

Unkown to Trevor, Pamela gracefully swiped her finger across his upper lip. The next moring Trevor looks in the mirror to find he has received a dirty ginger.

by adrock14033 May 19, 2010

17👍 13👎

dirty ginger faggot cum dumpster

An insult generally meaning a nasty, red-headed person who frequently masturbates and leaves no time to clean up the mess.

Jt(a red-headed fellow) broke up with Addy so Addy called him a dirty ginger faggot cum dumpster.

by cutiepie123 November 12, 2009

20👍 10👎

dirty ginger faggot cum dumpster

A male having red or orange colored hair that takes seamen loads on his body for enjoyment.

Matt Milliken and Carrot Top are dirty ginger faggot cum dumpsters.

by Jablomee June 26, 2008

24👍 19👎