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dishes done

Whenever an individual needs to go beyond erasing doubt that a task has been completed and create an aura of excellence around their ability to complete said task, as well as similar tasks. Short for "The dishes are done."

"You rail that ho?"
"Dishes... DONE!"


"What did you finally pay off all the debt from that bachelor party?"
"Yeah boiiiie."


"Let's sidehill."
"Dishes done."

by MyCouchPullsOutButIDont May 4, 2009

8👍 4👎

The dishes are done

That's it, over with,nothing more
Or it's on and crackin! Like you already know what is about to happen

If she knocked the candle over the dishes are done!! Or If he would of hit me, the dishes are done!

by Charmz08 March 9, 2018

1👍 1👎

Dishes are done Man

When I am So Fucked up from drugs , alcohol or both. I Always said to myself and others "My dishes are done man" which came from thee famous movie "Don't tell mom the babysitter is dead"

I'm So Fucked Up, Dishes are Done Man!!!

by Michael MF Jackson March 14, 2022

2👍 2👎