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doom doom

A nugget of crack cocaine

Mario's mom sucked me off in exchange for a fat ass doom-doom

by SUX2BU October 16, 2003

22👍 5👎

Bugga Doom doom

Word that your Jamaican grandparents accuse you of making even though you are sitting down.

Grandma: Whats all this bugga doom doom me a hear downstairs!?
Mike: Sorry Grandma we'll be quiet.
(G-ma walks away...awkward silence)
Matt:....Mike, Whats a bugga doom doom?
Mike: Hell, I thought you knew.

by mlewi May 11, 2010

3👍 2👎

Doom Doom

It is a different way of describing someone who is either built peculiar or their body looks like it's leaning to the side. In other words: fat.

"Yo you seen that doom doom that was walking in the hallway just now?"

by AUI January 16, 2023