Source Code

Drexel Hill

Drexel Hill is NOT a "small town." Shippensburg is a small town, Drexel Hill is a neighborhood in Upper Darby Township and part of the highly-populated and crowded Philadelphia area. Located 10 minutes west of the City in Eastern Delaware County, Drexel Hill is a well-respected and overwhelmingly Catholic area. "D-Hill" has more bars per capita than any other city, although it is easier to grab a bag of weed than a beer. There is ghetto Section 8 housing as well as luxurious mansions. Drexel Hill is a great place to live.

"A neighborhood of neighborhoods"

"My neighbor to the left has a rusted car on his back lawn and drinks Budweiser all day, while my neighbor to the right is a Jewish lawyer."

by bRob May 20, 2005

203👍 49👎

Drexel Hill

Home of the "Palace". If you live in Drexel Hill then you've been to the palace. The palace is the woods were teenagers go and drink beer, smoke weed, and light fires that you can smell for miles. It never gets raided and everyone gets ass.

"What'd you do in Drexel Hill last night?"
"How many kegs did they have?"

by Saint Dots March 28, 2009

52👍 29👎

Drexel Hill

Well D-Hill is a chill ass town theres alot of drugies and skaters that live here and theres quite alot of bars we also have 2 post offices. Its easy as shit to get weed and beer if you're under 21. And the coolest kid in the hill just happens to be none other then Rizz.

You're crappy town of drexel hill is a joke.

My towns a joke? Nigga i rep D-Hill fo life so roll the F*** out b4 yo ass gets beat.

by R I Z Z May 16, 2006

36👍 71👎

Drexel Hill

Drexel Hill is a shithole. Someone should put a toilet seat over it. It's the perfect place if you want to get fucked up and do nothing. There's the pool hall. A bowling alley. And that's about it. Do not come here.

In Drexel Hill, won't have a good night here unless you throw up all over yourself.

by Mr. Nunan April 9, 2008

32👍 110👎

drexel hill

a small town in Pennsylvania. the majority of the people there have lived there all of their life. It is right by philadelphia and is therefore its inhabitants tend to use black slang. it is however i well respected town that is very pleasant to live in. highlights include the McDonalds, the K center, Wawa, and CVS

man oh man i wish i lived in drexel hill and not clifton heights.

by jawn holler October 10, 2004

96👍 53👎

The Drexel HIll Dwarf

A small mythical creature who creeps on people in the ghetto of Drexel Hill, Pa.

Thought to be the town creeper, the Domreif.

He is said to be seen as barely two feet tall standing and has a very muscular pose.

This dwarf, or "Dorf" is a resident of Drexel Hill and will continue to follow little children around forever.

Stevie - Have you seen the The Drexel Hill Dwarf??
Bob - I think he lives down that hill
Robbie - Yeah...and he eats children

by i<3greeks March 20, 2009

9👍 1👎