Source Code

Dropped something

Drop something

Drove by and dropped something

by 12bewit June 7, 2019

9👍 8👎

you dropped something

when a friend tells his friend he dropped something in class

john : yo von you dropped something

von * bends over and picks it up *



by spiritual sway gazer gazer January 31, 2020

8👍 2👎

you dropped something

A phrase designed to embarass someone who is always bragging about a famous person they encountered or a famous place they went.

Sandy: Guess what? I slipped on a banana peel and fell on my face right in front of DANNY BONADUCE!

Robert: Uh, YOU DROPPED SOMETHING. You might want to pick it up..cause YOU DROPPED SOMETHING.

by 7mile Massacre April 12, 2006

34👍 26👎

you dropped something

A phrase used to call out someone who is flirting with someone else. The thing they dropped is game.

Kid: "Yo, you dropped something."
Flirter: "I wasn't even flirting, relax."

by peacelovelaughter<3 March 2, 2011

12👍 11👎