Source Code

dropped the bat

Had a shit. Sometimes it can be stated as "dropped his bat".
Especially funny when cricket commentators observe certain things.

"Don't go in there for ten minutes I've just dropped the bat"

"O jeeeeez have you dropped your bat"

In cricket commentry...
"Montgommery to bowl to Jefferies now and ... oh .. jefferies has dropped his bat in front of the stumps, and its put the wicket keeper off his concentration"

by London El Vis September 26, 2005

17👍 5👎

dropped the bat

expression my mate from stoke uses to proclaim that some one has farted

awww man whos dropped the bat?!

by otispunkmeyer September 12, 2005

7👍 6👎

Drop your bat

Men and women sometimes eat food that doesn't agree with them. Either because it is too rich, or they have eaten too much. This gives them uncontrollable wind, and ultiamtely a severe dose of the shits', which can cause considerable embarrassment. Dropping your bat literally means you have had something hanging from your drainpipe, which has been festering away and fucking stinks.

Rupert, "I say old chap, did you drop your bat?"

Ciril: "heavens man what do you mean by that terminology,please explain yourself?"

Rupert "Well the fucking stench is unbearble old bean, it appears you have something hanging from your arse."

by Britannic May 25, 2009

31👍 3👎