Source Code

Dude Magnet

When a girl attracts men all the time, without much effort. Similar to the phrase "Babe-magnet", but for a lady.

Man 1: Oi mate, that Charlie, she's a total dude magnet, rakes them in by the pub-full.

Man 2: Not surprised, look at the arse on that!

by Pes-you-dow-nim October 28, 2011

22👍 4👎

Dude Magnet

Like when someone calls you a dragon chaser, because they hate the fact that your slayin it, so you lock them out and they eventually retreat to the closet for repeated stem hit.

That person is a dude magnet.

Guy 1 :Bro, im going for a mish.

Guy 2 :What a dude

'dude' - short for dude magnet

by Dude MAG January 3, 2011

1👍 7👎

Dude, there's a magnet in the sky...

Describes the feeling one gets after rawking out on Guitar Hero- because for a minute the entire world is being drawn up into the sky.

*Guy sets the guitar down*
Guy 1: Dude, there's a magnet in the sky...
Guy 2: TROGDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Dew Soldier April 10, 2007

16👍 9👎