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dumpster pump

when two gay men sodomize each other in a back alley, commonly done wearing roller blades.

Oh look! There’s Joe Rogan dumpster pumping with Alex Jones!

by John graham April 10, 2019

356πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Dumpster Pump

Noun: A device used by Sodomites to more easily perform sodomy. Usually behind dumpsters or in corn field's. The base pump is 2 Metric Rogan's long and 1 Rogan wide, a little smaller than the average persons thumb.

Trivia: The Dumpster Pump was used during WW2 by it's inventor, Pumper Jones (Alex Jones' Great Great Grandfather) to drain the Nazi's of their Jizz strength. The concept for the Pump was based on Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine, which could vibrate at frequencies resonating with skyscrapers, potentially collapsing them. Instead, Pumper Jones' Dumpster Pump would collapse the ass's of men, and used 17 of Tesla's patents.

"I'll give you a nickel if I can test my Dumpster Pump on you."
"Ok Glenn, Can I set my mug on this dumpster first?"

by Potatogenic June 8, 2019

107πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Dumpster Pump

Dumpster Pump : To Pump Dumpsters

A phrase that was made popular by the alt right white nationalist with a 147 IQ known as Owen Benjamin. Owen has a large cult following of homosexual supporters who refer to themselves as bears who not only preach the bear lifestyle but also live it day to day. Their preference for large hairy gay men as well as being outcasts themselves, forced them to sneak around and perform sexual acts with other bears in discreet locations. This usually led them to pumping each other behind dumpsters of old crack motels. When asked what happens if there is a homeless man sleeping behind the dumpster Owen simply replied ' The more the merrier is logos'.

Owen being so hi IQ allowed him to discover that if you strap on a pair of roller skates before you pump, it provides you with a clean getaway once you spray the evil out. It also allows him to be able to just glide in with no lube.

Owen has been knighted Sir Pumper of Dumpsters by Tommy Robinson

ex 1: I can't wait for the annual big bear meet up at the flat earth festival this year. There is going to be a lot of dumpster pumping going on.

ex 2:
Bear 1: 'Hi I'm a bear'
Bear 2: 'Me to...wanna pump?'
Bear 1:'Obviously'

Owen ' My dumpster is sore from all the pumping this weekend. Crowder came over'

by Teddy Spaghetti June 12, 2019

18πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž