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eat cock

To consume a cooked (or uncooked if your into that sorta thing) chicken.

Woman 1: I was totally wanted to eat cock last night.
Woman 2: Oh? What kind?
Woman 1: Oh you know, deep fried...
Woman 2: Scrumptious!!

by Moodle noodle May 6, 2008

29👍 14👎

eat cock

An insult with the purpose to tell someone to shut-up in a hilarious way

Joes girlfriend: you say dick move alot
Joe:ya i know
Mat: Tell her to eat cock so we can keep drinking
Joe: bahahahahahaha

by john doe the second March 25, 2007

33👍 21👎

eat cocks and kick rocks

if you tell someone this its probably because you hate the fuck outta them and they stick around anyway and you just want them to go away. similar to saying go choke on a dick :)

"henry, I don't give a fuck about your moms bunions, go eat cocks and kick rocks"

by R. Marie S. January 27, 2020