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eat dinner

When you eat a girl out at night.

Person 1: Hey did you eat dinner yet?
Person 2: Yeah she tasted good!
Person 1: What??
Person 2: It's the most important meal of the day!
Person 1: I thought that was breakfast...

by PresidentSernieBanders March 22, 2016

5👍 5👎

Eating Dinner

A horrible excuse, often used by your friends, to go slip away to have "fun" with their peepee or lack there of: They go to "Eat Dinner." This excuse is often identified, as an excuse, because no one eats dinner in 2 seconds, and/or, 2-4 times in one day. Once you leave, after using this excuse, your friends will continually joke about you "Eating Dinner," until you return...

Wow, they must be satisfied after ,"Eating Dinner."

by NOTFG2040 January 8, 2019

10👍 3👎

Eat My Dinner

From the Latin root "suck my dick"

Eat my dinner bitch!

by J-Sack March 10, 2009

11👍 4👎

eat your dinner before it gets cold

to fuck a girl while shes young

boy1:i wanna get into my gf
boy2:eat your dinner before it gets cold

by getdownnnnn April 26, 2011

4👍 18👎