Source Code

Emergency brake

Meaning handbrake in English, there is no apparent reason for it to be called an emergency handbrake; as there isn’t often a emergency situation where it would be a good idea to lock up the back wheels. Smarter Americans call it a parking brake.

Yeee haw, I’m gonna park up and use the emergency brake to secure my car ya’ll.

by Jack February 22, 2005

21πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Emergency brake

You idiot, It's called a hand brake it the UK, and 'smarter americans'? what a joke! who's stupider that americans? apart from donkeys?. No-one! that's right, you're the idiot.

You'll never drift round that corner without using the handbrake

by Jack March 20, 2005

10πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Emergency Brake

When you're banging a chick from behind and she grabs your dick and yanks it up to her ass, similar to how one would engage a traditional parking brake on a car.

"Yeah so Im fucking this chick from behind, she yells "EMERGENCY BRAKE!" and next thing I know its in her ass!

by Denver Martini October 5, 2020