Source Code


End Of File, though used when you complete a project, go to bed, or something similar

I've reached EOF on that project you gave me, what's next?
I'm at EOF for today, tired, going to bed, gnight :)

by Y2D January 10, 2006

71👍 21👎


End Of File

commonly used on irc and related to mIRC scripting.

by itr May 6, 2003

43👍 21👎


I don't know what it means in this context, can anyone help me out?

For each model, circulation patterns congruent with
the trend in the EOF time series are obtained by firstly
regressing grid-point anomalies onto a detrended version of
the IOD index and then multiplying regression coefficients
with the total index trend since 1950.

by That.handle.is.already.in.use January 29, 2020


EOF, or Equal Opportunity Fucker, is a term used to describe those that are nondiscriminatory when it comes to the gender they have sex with.

Him: "Dude! John! What the hell? That's a dude!"
John: "What? I'm an EOF!"

by neonneo February 14, 2011

8👍 21👎


End of fucking story.

Me; that is so lame.
Kim; No it's not.
Me; Yes it is. EOFS.

by D.F-L. December 30, 2006

13👍 5👎