Source Code

Epic Party

A party of epic proportions, everyone gets wasted. Party grows until the cops come in and end it. A party that everyone remembers. Even the police.

Police: that was most epic party we've crashed man

by yourmotherisgayerthanme November 6, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Epic Party Guy

Any one person whom within the first 2 days of living in a college dorm throws a party of epic proportions within said dorm and the party ends with 7 police charges upon the party thrower, including at least one felony, has at least 6 Paramedics, 2 Narcotics Officers, and 4 Resident Advisors present by the end of the epic party, and results in the party thrower’s expulsion from the dorm and suspension from school within the next 3 days.

Person #1: Dude, is that Caskey?
Person #2: Who? You mean Epic Party Guy? Didn't you here about the party during the summer? That dude threw it!
Person #1: No way! That shit was crazy!

by Ambian April 11, 2009

28πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž