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ern dizzle

a phrase that means best friend, my dog, homie, or any positive remembrance of an influential person in one's life.

Yo, you my ern dizzle fo' shizzle my nizzle!! Pizn Pizn!!

by Shaqueezle G. October 7, 2005

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Ern Dizzle

The nickname used to describe masses of the dickless community. Along with having no valid excuse to wear a condom Ern Dizzles also tend to be deranged drama queens and are ultimately overdramatic. Considering their overexaggerated personas which overpower their minds Ern Dizzles do not have very many friends (let alone a sexual partner). They are often incredibly indecisive, narcissistic, egotistical and at times described as being bipolar, one moment they are keeping it low-key and acting up the next. Rumor has it, Ern Dizzles actually go through a monthly menstrual cycle which tends lasts 10 times longer than the average female, considering a penis does not exist in their world they are often enraged about it and take their anger out on others.

DUDE 1: BRO! check him out that must be an Ern Dizzle.

DUDE 2: swagbrodude fo sho! there ain't no lumps in da dungarees.

by jaraparks January 9, 2018