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key to escape reality

some righteous ganja.

"but fortunatelyyy i have the key to escape reality" -keller williams

by john harper September 15, 2006

8👍 7👎

Escape From Reality

When your life sucks and you need a sanctuary; ballin every Saturday from 10 to 12.

Arnon: How was CBA Goats?
Hunter: My life was going downhill when I broke up with my girlfriend, but the moment coach called me DeeMaa I was able to escape from reality.
Sonam: For a moment, I forgot about my cancer and became Giannis Antetokounmpo.
Seimo: Family on THREE! 1, 2, 3...

Seimo, Coach: FAMILY!!!

by Mosyeeto April 2, 2022

5👍 2👎

Escape reality

A word of saying commonly used when a person has a roleplay addiction. This word of saying in a sentence is to reflect on the person's addiction with roleplay and how they want to feel like a different person as there life is falling apart

I really want escape reality and become a different person

by Random definition guy July 10, 2024