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evaporated milk

The breast milk of an old woman.

A: "man, I want to be all over her so bad"
B: "dude your sick I can't believe your into her, she old enough to be you grandma. You into evaporated milk?"

A: "what can I say, they get better with age!"

by Moistmonster December 31, 2014

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almond milk evaporator

Someone or something which evaporates almond milk - typically a wave of light or radiaton.

My 732 gallons of almond milk stored at the coordinates 31.29492, -116.45114 has been evaporated by the *almond milk evaporator* I shall now seek revenge by bombing Michigan.

by youCantOutAlmondTheHut August 5, 2022

PET Evaporated Milk

After all, it’s the original evaporated milk.

PET Evaporated Milk continues to be a staple in millions of homes and is used in many different recipes, from main dishes, to soups, desserts and more.

by SPrice1980 May 7, 2023