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ex ex

a person whom one has remarried after divorce. An ex ex was one's ex-spouse in the past.

How are you getting on with your ex ex?

by uttam maharjan February 16, 2010

8👍 7👎


A gay (or lesbian) individual who tries through various means to become heterosexual, realizes they can not change their sexual orientation and ultimately comes out again as gay. These various means usually consist of ex-gay ministries, programs or therapy. Time spent trying to become heterosexual can range from months to decades.

When Daniel realized he had a homosexual orientation he saw an ex-gay therapist in an effort to become straight. After two years of therapy and repression Daniel gave it up and is now an ex-ex-gay.

by Daniel S. Gonzales September 18, 2006

38👍 14👎


A person that was once straight, then fell victim to the "liberal agenda", then turned straight again.

The word is currently not used by the conservative movement, but it soon will, as they continue to spurn out bullshit to transcend the current bullshit quota.

I wonder how long it will take before conservapedia makes an article on "ex-ex-straight".

by Unpy July 11, 2008

14👍 8👎

ex oh ex

xox (a.k.a. kiss, hug, kiss) spelt phonetically.

xox or ex oh ex?

by littleblackdress35 August 12, 2008

14👍 6👎