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extra cheese

all the goodies. Bling, cash money,
the best drugs, comp tickets,
verbal praise, TLC and all a'that!

"I can't beleive she dumped me even though I gave her all the extra cheese!"

by velveeta May 18, 2004

23👍 23👎

extra cheese

n. Another word for foreskin or an uncircumsized penis.

"I hooked up with Jim last night and EW! He totes had extra cheese on his weiner."

by Kfunky October 26, 2006

7👍 33👎

Extra Cheese

1. The cheapest thing on the menu at most fast-food places. Homeless people come to a place that serves nachos with 40 cents, asking for just the extra cheese.
2. The absolute worst thing to buy and split with your girlfriend on a date.
3. A person that is cheap.

Cindy: Hey Marissa, where did Carlos take you on that date?
Marissa: Oh my god, he took me a movie theatre just to split extra cheese (2) with me!
Cindy: Wow, I never took Carlos for such an extra cheese (3).

by dabigguy409 April 5, 2009

8👍 8👎

Extra Cheese-less Pizza

Less Cheese then you would put on a Regular Cheese-less Pizza.

"Can i Get a Cheese-less Pizza with Extra Cheese-less, Or in Easier Terms... an Extra Cheese-less Pizza?"

by Mr_NRG16 August 4, 2019

3👍 4👎

furry tuna taco with extra cheese

noun. A term used to describe a females hairy, juicey "in a bad way" vagina.

Why did you throw a munch on rosie o'donald's furry tuna taco with extra cheese.

by joedaddy April 14, 2004

29👍 20👎