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Used as a pronoun in reference to someone you hate with such vehemence, you would like to fuck them (or see them fucked)in the eyesocket. Usually a co-worker you hate, but are forced to work with.

"Eyesocket called me today, is there a bigger chode in the world?"

"Oh great, fucking Eyesocket is coming to join us for lunch"

by Du What? February 20, 2004

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pearl Eyesocket

an eyesocket that has been skull-fucked to the point that the eyeball has popped out and been replaced by the ejaculate

I gave that bitch a pearl eyesocket.

If you don't shape up, I'm gonna give you a pearl eyesocket.

by The Dude Man April 3, 2007

14πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

hurt eyesocket

death, die, deceased

you’re gonna hurt eyesocket

by ulikebuttstuff44 April 16, 2022