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face piece

1. A blunt that is smoked by a single person in one sitting. N
2. The act of smoking a blunt by yourself. V

1. Yo i took a face piece on that two gram blunt.
2. I face pieced the shit out of that L son!

by cwolf November 8, 2006

6👍 4👎

cod piece face

A cod piece face is a person who resembles a cod piece. A cod piece is from Middle English: (cod, meaning "scrotum") is a covering flap or pouch that attaches to the front of the crotch of men's trousers and usually accentuates the genital area. It was held closed by string ties, buttons, or other .

Look at her...she has a cod piece face.

by WebletD December 16, 2014

Chess-piece face

The condition of being very drunk to the point where you're semi-comatose, staring off blankly, shortly before passing out.

Tim got all chess-piece face last night, and we found him, later, passed out on the sidewalk.

by Paul D. Key July 24, 2006

13👍 11👎

Chess-piece face

An albino. someone of pale complexion.

by T-Bone October 28, 2003

4👍 15👎

monkey face piece of shit

Dude that has too many plastic bottles.

Why do you have so many plastic bottles, you monkey face piece of shit?

by Fpicard September 27, 2013