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facebook etiquette

When you know how to properly sort out who to choose & approve and properly respond to friend requests on Facebook.

Faye doesn't have any Facebook etiquette. I've hung out with her around the world, all over the US, partied, laughed ate drank, took pictures with and all that other good stuff, but Faye won't approve my Facebook friend request, that's not kosher Facebook etiquette!

by MangledMess July 10, 2009

14👍 4👎

Facebook Etiquette

The definition of what is acceptable protocol when using Facebook, specifically whether or not it is acceptable to ask someone out through this forum or if that would be perceived as stalking and creepy. This relates to someone you have not yet met properly.

Facebook Etiquette: hypothetical situation as follows: guy meets girl but has minimal opportunity to communicate since the meeting point thus far has been in a loud bar, albeit a top, top place! Girl has a particularly gorgeous smile! Guy takes matters into his own hands and plans a surprise delivery of flowers and a package to said bar during a charity event (is this poor timing?) Guy & girl become FB friends. Is it then acceptable protocol to pursue further contact via FB or should they wait until the next chance encounter at the noisy bar?

Consensus is: Nothing ventured, nothing gained, & Life is too short. ***This is contingent upon girl not being easily offended & a tad on the adventurous side.

by Mr. Intrigue December 23, 2010

1👍 1👎