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falling off the roof

A southerner's way of saying that they are menstruating or are on their period.

"I've been in such a bad mood this week. I guess it's because I've been 'falling off the roof'."

by Devanee May 21, 2006

20👍 5👎

fall off the roof

to start one's period

Jack: Hey man, you get some from Francine last night?
Harold: Nah, man. Jovie had to fall off the roof on Monday so none this week.
Jack: At least she ain't pregnant, yo!

by G. Wells March 1, 2006

20👍 5👎

fall off the roof

when a woman starts her period

Jack: Hey man, you get some from Francine last night?
Harold: Nah, man. Jovie had to fall off the roof on Monday so none this week.
Jack: At least she ain't pregnant, yo!

by G. Wells March 6, 2006

45👍 20👎

Falling off the roof

A euphemism for anal sex

Chris: I've still got a limp from falling off the roof

by UKn0wWhatsUp September 6, 2017

2👍 1👎

fall off the roof

v. to sleep with someone.

Other forms: falling off the roof, roofing, roofer (one who falls off the roof)

Hey, wanna go fall off the roof?

Don't you know Joe and Anna fell off a roof together?

Erin is such a roofer.

by M. Mills September 6, 2008

9👍 24👎