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Farm Equipment

Refers to black people back in the slavery days as tools for the white man.

When I was with Patrick and Amber at the county fair, we saw a ton of farm equipment walking around.

by Aaron Sager July 26, 2008

26👍 5👎

antique farm equipment

a somewhat obscure racial slur used against black folk- the inference being that they were used for farm work a good while ago and so would be "antique".

Larry shook his head, "Now ah say this was a good neighborhood but now its being overrun by these dang pieces of antique farm equipment..."

by maks May 20, 2004

243👍 50👎

outdated farm equipment

Slang term for black people.

Markett: Dayyyum (damn) this rap music be hardcore.

John: Quiet, you piece of outdated farm equipment.

Markett: What the @#!~ you just say?

by FuzZo July 17, 2006

97👍 17👎

obsolete farm equipment

A black person, or, multiple black people.

- " Is Jimmy in the bar? If he's there, his motorcycle will be parked out front."
- " I know, I can't tell, my view's blocked, all I can see is a bunch of obsolete farm equipment."

by kartie606 March 8, 2008

153👍 32👎

modern farm equipment

Harry Mexicans. No need for big green tractors when you've got Mexicans.

Juan is a piece of fine modern farm equipment

by Harrymexican January 16, 2017