Source Code

fast break

when a vette passes by or an avalanche passes by a chevelle

phewwww that a fast break, vette pass by thats a fast break

by PhiL dA CooKa August 14, 2009

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fast break

Used in basketball - as soon as the opposition gets a rebound, they use a couple of long passes and their fast players to get ahead of defence and score. A good fast break can mean you score 5 seconds after rebounding.

guards stay back and we'll rock the fast break

by Gubs November 24, 2004

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fast break

In lacrosse, when the defence clears the ball to a midfielder or attackman who takes inside the box to the goal for a shot. A fast break can happen very fast and is very aggrivating for the defense.

CV cleared, made a fast break to our goal and shot from out top, but luckily missed.

by talkshow_on_mute April 2, 2005

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Fast break

Sticking your stern rod in an onion ring and then getting it sucked off.

Quanshetta gave me a fast break at lunch today.

by Coolkid7 February 13, 2015

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colorado fast break

An over the pants hand job at the drive in in a T-Top convertible. Lots of chaffing.

β€œMatt did you get any last night?”
β€œJust a Colorado fast break”

by Alicatt1616 October 6, 2019

Fast Break Blunt

A blunt rolled from the black in mild fast breaks. Small in size making them convenient for a short break at work. Also convenient for a nice buzz or if your feeling a blunt but don't have enough ganja for a full one.

1.Yo bro i gots to be back to work in 5 so lets make his a Fast Break Blunt.
2. I dont gots enough weed for a blunt and my pipe broke so i should do the perfect Fast Break blunt.

by Jayta June 10, 2008

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break fast

a snack eaten within a fast break.

Friend: Hey man! Whatcha doin?
You: Having break fast!

by Tebsickle December 21, 2018