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fat pocket

someone who has fat pockets is rich, aka their pockets are so big from all the bills/notes/money they are carrying in them.

can also be fat pockets

wow how'd that bitch get so fat pocketed??

psh, she is a golddigga fo sho, look at her with that old fat pocket!

damn that dude is one fat pocket look at his new ferrari!

by A-Dogg to the Izzle December 11, 2005

23👍 3👎

fat pockets

somebody who got lots of money

look at that jag hes drivin - he must have some fat pockets

by tanga-ray January 6, 2005

31👍 12👎

fat pockets

Fat pockets are essentially "pockets of fat" that can be found almost anywhere on the body. They are commonly called lovehandles, double chins, thunderthighs, and kankles. These "pockets" are basically large and noticeable groupings of fat. They are embarrassing and WILL attract negative attention.

1)"Eww... check out those fat pockets hanging out of Catie's enormity... she should put on a damn sweater."

2)"Jesusgod, Taylor, my eyes! Them fat pockets of yours are fucking nasty!"

by Fatman-Ugly Person May 6, 2007

33👍 19👎