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something super fuckin awesome; hardcore

"Dude your car's fellin!"
"I know, right?!?!?!"

by Waltizzle!!! April 4, 2007

67👍 21👎


Describes a girl you once loved when she goes psycho; Normally in a blink of an eye.

"That bitch be fellin"

"The moment we broke up she started fellin"

"She's fellin all over the place"

by BitchBeFellin December 19, 2013

4👍 4👎

Tori Fellin

Is a cracker, calls Justin John a lot, speaks in third person point of view, overdramatic at times, and is a cracker that needs to sit their cracker a-s down.

My name is Tori Fellin

by Tori Fellin May 23, 2014

1👍 1👎