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Fill out

"Everything" or All of the above. Meant to convey a full encompassing of the subject.

"How's the cream brotha? You good?"
"Doing good in the fill out, man"

by NewWorldEgo September 3, 2019

12👍 3👎

fill out

when girls start to develop into fine-ass females. basically, when they start getting tig old bitties, wider hips, thick ass; all that great stuff.

Middle school kid: Dude! Sabrina is getting more and more boneable every day!

Guy who knows shit: She's starting to fill out, bro. just wait a few weeks and she'll be ready to go.

by phenomenalphalanx October 17, 2011

64👍 29👎

filling out nikes

This refers to when a girl has such a large ass that she can "fill up" her Nike shorts. In other words the shorts become more like tight volleyball shorts rather than looking baggy

Do u see that girls butt? I bet she could be "filling out nikes"

by Billy the kid24 March 4, 2014

1👍 2👎

Knocking her fillings out

To make love to a woman in a hard energetic mannor. So much so that it may loosen the fillings in her teeth.

Q: "I heard your bed springs from next door Bob. must have been some session."
A: "It sure was Bill my cock is throbbing i was knocking her fillings out."

by Big Jock79 December 15, 2010

4👍 8👎

Texas Fill Out

This situation normally occurs with men who move to Texas. Previously, they may have had a light bodily frame. Upon moving to Texas, they fill out with that healthy cornbread glow, looking extra thick and fine. We call that a Texas Fill Out.

"Have you seen Logan since he moved to Texas?"

"No, why?"

"Boy's got that Texas Fill Out!"

by Welovetexas August 27, 2022