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Final Stand

A deathstreak in Modern Warfare 2 which is obtained by dying 4 times in a row (3 with hardline pro). Similar to Last Stand but with the ability to use any gun and get back up assuming you are downed long enough without dying.

Final Stand lets you magically survive a bleedout and use an LMG while lying on the ground after you've just taken 5 bullets to the heart.

by niak34 May 21, 2010

43👍 15👎

Final Stand Syndrome

The complete and utter destruction of brain cells and addiction to final stand to the point you're lackadaisically up at 3:00 AM

"Holy shit, Crazy & Husky have some serious Final Stand Syndrome!"

by Final Dick June 7, 2018

The final Stand

This is when you plan to end it with a bang. You hang yourself, while jerking off to a picture of your best friend’s mom, and right before you blow your load you shoot yourself. Most effective is you do it as your best friend is entering in the room your in.

Bro, you see that billy did the final stand last night.

by Humpdaddy August 7, 2020