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fingering her

First get her sexual aroused, then you penetrate your finger inside of her Vagina. You start with one finger, then two finger, then you fist, then push further penetrating your arm, now your other arm, slowly crawl inside her and take full control of her body.

Jemma: Oh baby finger me
*gives pedo smile*
*starts fingering her and taking control of her body*

by nice-shoes-lets-fuck April 17, 2014

73πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Fingering her lips

When you are having sex and you decide to pleasure your girlfriend with your hand. You rub the lips of her pussy until she is satisfied. Two fingers is normal. Three fingers is when your girlfriend is really horny. Four fingers is just naughty.

I was fingering her lips last night and she gave me a blowjob in return.

by dinshaq April 10, 2012

37πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

National finger her day

Finger her on June 25

Luke: Aye it’s june 25 , it’s national finger her day bro

Ryan: for real

by Heroeithoutthecape June 24, 2019

68πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

spud on her finger

wedding ring

john looked carefully for a spud on her finger

she had a spud on her finger...too bad, thought dave! lucky guy!

by michael foolsley January 5, 2010

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Wrapped Around her Finger

She is so lucky she has has him wrapped around her finger. He does whatever she says.

Annette is so lucky she has James wrapped around her finger he does whatever she says James loves Annette and likes being wrapped around her finger.

by Peanut to my butter February 21, 2019

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

2 fingers in her poo poo stinker

A sexual act that typically occurs during sexual intercourse.

The giver will thrust his/her index and middle fingers into the anal cavity of the receiver with the strength of a freight train, usually without warning.

"Hey, Bartholomew. Why aren't you at the office?"

"I had some fun with my step-wife last night and rammed 2 fingers in her poo poo stinker. I broke two of my fingers and I'm at the hospital with severe infections and hairline fractures. Sorry, boss."

by I fuck boat June 22, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

"let mommy use her fingers"

what june gloom from sick animations says when her son is having a hard time getting hard

tanya: yo i think your dog is constipated
mike: come here roxi, "let mommy use her fingers"

by snootch87 July 25, 2008

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž