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flippin sweet

Catch phrase from the movie Napoleon Dynamite

That bike is flippin sweet!

by pedro January 6, 2005

37👍 9👎

flippin sweet

phrase used by lame kids who overues napoleon dynamite quotes. i don't know why they say it. that quote wasn't even in the movie.

hey man your shoes are flippin' sweet.
STFU you lame-ass. that isn't even in the movie.

by mini-day February 26, 2005

7👍 21👎

flippin sweet

(adj.) Thomas Griffin

TJ is flippin sweet!!!

by heather March 10, 2005

1👍 21👎

flippin' sweet

utterly awesome, cool, outstanding. Also can be used to urge a conversation on. Originated from the movie Napoleon Dynamite.

Pedro: If I win the electon, you can be my secretary or something

Napoleon Dynamite: Flippin' sweet!

randomgirl1: I got you and I tickets to the next Warped Tour.

randomgirl2: That's flippin' sweet!

by gimmieyertots March 2, 2005

23👍 6👎