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flirty friends

Friends, usually but not limited to the opposite sex who are more than just friends, but less than lovers. Flirty friends should not be confused w/ β€œfriends w/ benefits” or β€œfuck friends” as flirty friends actually tend to flirt in public, cuddle, spoon & occasionally kiss rather than engage in fellatio or coital relations. Most flirty friend relationships have a tendency to end in disaster when the male, in most cases, assumes the relationship has evolved into something deeeper & expresses his new found feelings to said partner.

Meg: Hey Laura did u know Daniel & Isabella are no longer flirty friends??

Laura: Why, what happened??

Meg: Daniel came to think of Isabella as more than a flirty friend & told her even though Isabella was only setteling untill here 1st choice became a free agent again.

Lauara: Always happens... they'll prob ignore each other for a while & then occasionally have to exchange tense half hearted smiles from now on.

by The Verbalist January 8, 2007

44πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

flirty friend

Someone who is not yet a boyfriend or girlfriend, but is already more than "just a friend."

My flirty friend just texted me and he said he wants to teach me how to play football.

by beach stroller June 19, 2011

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž