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Fake Nigga Shit.

Used when someone's actions denote lameness, or a lack of agreement with a code of morality (bro code, etc.)

Person 1: "Yo, fuck your hometown! That shit is lame."

Person 2: "Damn son, why you gotta hurt my feelings like that. That's on some FNS."

by McBoner July 3, 2012

30๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


for nostalgia's sake; do something for the past great memories.

I popped in The Legend of Zelda into my old NES FNS :D

by bdrssxer September 2, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Flaw Nigga Shit) the state or being of a flaw stereotypical African american

1."Wasn't you suppose to go pick up your girl an hour ago?"
Naw she can walk.
"Dangggg, thats that FNS."

2."A man, why you ran when I got jumped?"
You got jumped?
"Fuck you man! You on that FNS!"

by IcyM14 June 1, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


FNS stands for Flared Nostril Syndrome. It occurs when someone has abnormally large and/or flared nostrils all the time. A perfect example of this syndrome is on Mark Texiera of the Yankees, he has a bad case of it.

Hey man, what's wrong with that guy's nose?

Nothing, he just has a bad case of FNS.

by Miker94 October 27, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fart n Shart

"hey, what is that smell?"
"Oh don't worry about that little guy, it's just a little FNS"

"did you want to get some whataburger?"
"Heh I would but then I'll be a real FNS son of a gun"

"Hey, is Lad dawg working today?"
"Nah he's on leave and had to FNS"

by Fartnshartass May 2, 2022


An abbreviation for Fat Newfie Shit, often used to describe loud,large newfies that grew up in Port Hardy British Columbia and have no accent. They aslo seem to have a large amount of game that no one can explain and are often recognized as slimeballs.

Jon is a FNS.

You arent a real newfie your a FNS.

by Port Hardy PIMP April 18, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Generally, to screw someone or something over, or otherwise mess things up (such as plans or a game). Can be used interchangeably with Bullshit.

Darren: Hey man, I'm on our way
Madonna: Oh, well I'm about to leave
Darren: What? You said you were gonna be there for awhile
Madonna: Yeah but I got bored
Darren: This is some FNS, man

by fadu09 April 2, 2010

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