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fond du lac girl

A girl from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Primarily a native..she was born and raised in Fond du lac. You can spot a Fond du lac girl by her bad hair, bad clothes, bad makeup. She looks 10-15 years older than what she really is due to cigarettes and alcohol. Her idea of a good time is going to Dillingers on Main Street and dancing to severely outdated music all while thinking she is hot shit. Fond du Lac girls like to date men with mullets, no fear gear and every now and then members only jackets. Considered to be the utmost insult.

Big City Girl: "There is a lot of 80's hair here and the place smells like Jean Nate, this place is loaded with Fond du Lac girls"

by SarahN March 10, 2007

69👍 54👎

Gang Bang Fond du Lac Girl

Meets all requirements of a fond du lac girl. Additionally travels in a group of no fewer than four males looking for some action from said girl.

Pablo: "Yo, you see that ho over there grinding up on those 4 dudes?"
James: "Yeah, stay away from that, she's a gang bang fond du lac girl."

by darkluigi June 22, 2011

14👍 8👎