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Food Basics

A grocery store in Welland, Ontario, Canada. It is located on Thorald Rd. and is the largest outdoor hotbox. When one feels the need to smoke marijuana, they usually venture here to do it.

I need to find someone to match up with, I'll go behind Food Basics. Someone's always there.

by Shawn Maglicic December 12, 2005

21👍 4👎

food basics

a cut-rate grocery store found in the middle of a parking lot anywhere there is a large enough population base to support a solid infrastrucutre of cheap/poor people

-where'd you get those five boxes of broken oreo cookies, man?

- food basics.

by burgiller February 27, 2005

7👍 9👎

basic food blues

When you're hungry and have to eat food that doesn't taste good while thinking about the food you really want

Bob: I want steak but all I have is Brussels sprouts to eat
Jerry: Me too, I'm getting the basic food blues.

by karkar January 31, 2016