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Food crawl

Visiting multiple restaurants in an evening to obtain one complete and proper meal. This may be done as a dine-in or take-out experience. It is most often a practice where restaurants have one tasty item, and everything else on the menu ranged from only moderatly good to shit.

Well if you can't decide where to eat, quit wasting my time and let's do a food crawl.

by Walla_B September 4, 2014

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

food crawl

Food crawl (n). a multi-stop investigation of the best restaurants, meals, or specific item on the menu. Food crawls may last a few or much longer depending on the type of crawl.

β€œBro, let’s do a taco food crawl next week and find the best carnitas in town.”

by christine sixteen November 23, 2009

43πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Fast food crawl

A fast food crawl is when a group of friends sets out on a journey to all fast food chain restaurants in the surrounding area, and consumes a minimum of two items from the menu. Of the two items, one must be a potato based substance (i.e. fries, wedges, mashed potatoes) or appetizer, while the second is the staple dish or meal offered by the chain. Finally the patrons of the crawl must also purchase a minimum of a medium drink at every restaurant.

Yo J did you hear that E and I went on that fast food crawl last week? Man I haven't taken a solid dump in a week, iv'e just been slapping turds since.

by slappingturds December 4, 2014