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Free House

When no one is in (eg. parents) and you can invite loads of people round and have a party...

"Hey i've got a free house wanna have a rave"

by Alexxx.. April 10, 2007

43👍 9👎

Free House

Used to describe a situation in which a person, usually a teenager, has access to a house, usually a relations, because of their absense.

Hey guys, Party at mine on Saturday, I've got a free house!

by Frank Ellis August 25, 2007

26👍 6👎

Free House

Term used by majority of teenagers both in person and on social media to imply that ones parents will not be home, used to have sex and parties or hopefully both

Slut - "Someone come over, parents are going away for the weekend, free house"!

by i'mlikeheywhatsuphello June 13, 2016

9👍 3👎