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free one

a blow job performed for free

ill give you a free one if you come visit me :P

by Billy Bobby Graham December 27, 2006

22👍 4👎

Free One

In Italian, the meaning of the name Francesco is derived from the Latin word Francis, meaning free one.

My name Francesco means Free One

by NYC Sunset October 1, 2019

buy one vend one free

When a person goes to a vending machine intending to buy an item and that item is barely hanging on to the barricade that prevents it from falling. The person then buys the item and two items fall from the same row.

Dude, I went to go buy some sour patch kids and the idiot before me only had a dollar and his sour patch kids got stuck. I got to buy one vend one free.

by platypus72 October 7, 2009

15👍 4👎

buy one get one free

a synonym for masturbation

Kease: I heard your girl left for vacation?
Mikey: Yup, so im going to have to buy one get one free until she comes back

by John Doughty April 30, 2008

13👍 17👎

National 10th November One free Nude pass

You can ask anyone for nudes and they can't say no

November 10 - Hey Jenny send a nude ...
Okay Jim I have to bc it is November 10th
National 10th November One free Nude pass

by Nonutfuckshit November 9, 2019

6👍 5👎