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free refill

When you get crazy high one night, and it comes back to haunt you the next day. Coined by the coolest mexican in the states (i'm legal, don't worry).

Guy 1: Dude, did u go outside and get blazed?
Guy 2: Fuckin free refill man, and I didn't even pay for it.

by laker72 November 12, 2007

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Free Refill

The act (performed by a male) of retrieving one’s load from his partners mouth via kissing them after engaging in oral sex.

β€œI finished in her mouth, we kissed, i got ma kids back and hooroo a free refill!”

by Smerdocunt August 4, 2018

Free Refill

Defines the size of something big as in a person or an object. As in when you go to the movie theater and when you buy the biggest size of popcorn or drink you get a Free Refill with it.

Guy 1: F*** no I'm not gonna hit that?
Guy 2: Why not?
Guy 1: She's like Free Refill size!

by Pfff you know me. November 24, 2010

Free Refills

The continuous replenishment of fresh, smooth snow resulting from a combination of constant snowfall and high winds that erase the tracks of the previous run, providing pristine powder all day long.

Colleague 1- Are you coming to work today?
Colleague 2 - No , I am pulling a sickie and heading up to Whistler, there are free refills bro it is going to be gnarly dude

Colleague 1- That's sick bro have fun

by SlimeyFish April 26, 2021