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Fresh Start

Its just a more politically correct way to convince someone to sell out their whole heritage just to make a couple extra bucks or live this whole "American Dream" BS.

Frank: Kids we are moving to Hickton MI.

Kids: What the hell? We are just fine here, and hicktons a dump

Frank: Think of it as a fresh start

Kids: I dont need a fresh start, I am perfectly happy right where I am.

by Jollyroger121 June 5, 2011

8👍 7👎

Fresh Start

A fresh start is when you take your old bloody tampon out and slide a "Scented one in" and leave it in for 10 hours on a rollercoaster. You begin leaking. Than you dont feel good, but you still dont take the scented tampon out and you begin vomiting and having explosive diherria. You ignore it and think you have the stomach flu. Your tampon is still in. You go to the docters who tells you he will never be able to remove your tampon without sergery and you also have tss so u cant have sergery till your better wich will never happen. You ask the devil if he can help you. The devil cuts you some support. 10 years later and finally out of rehab you can now have a fresh start in life!

"This tampon has only been in for 2 weeks, its so much better than getting a fresh one every couple of hours!" Said Suzy

by Turd August 25, 2004

14👍 31👎

Fresh Start

What prepubescent teens do when they lose. Mainly to reassure each other that they aren't losers, but is usually unsuccessful due to the fact that all people aren't idiots such as the above stated.

lol... we can stand a loss, if you didn't notice it was a "fresh start" do those words mean anything to you? it could be possible that we droped some members and recruitied a bit and decided to re-do everything

by Solid Stank November 14, 2003

1👍 13👎

rehab was supposed to be a fresh start

but no matter how many starts I get, its always the same ending.

bojack horseman: i dont want to do thi-
gunner 1: ill shoot, dont test me
bojack horseman:.. rehab was supposed to be a fresh start

by bojackneedsabreak October 6, 2023